
Every sample, composition, and sound offered at JonezTonez.com is royalty-free! Your purchase grants you a non-exclusive license to use our intellectual property to create music for indie projects (selling beats online to indie artists, for your own personal projects, etc), to create music for major label projects, to create music for sync placements, and whatever best fits the creative vision for your music! You're only obligated to pay the inital fee to license the samples/compositions/sounds. However, if you'd like to share royalty/publishing splits and/or co-production credits, our PRO info is included in the end user agreement (included with every purchase). Sharing splits/credits is totally optional. Email sales@tonejonez.com for clearance, questions, or concerns. We're a small boutique sample company working hard to serve the producer community so all support is highly appreciated! Enjoy and spread the word! 


**You may not sublicense, sell, loan, share, lend, broadcast, rent, lease, assign, distribute, or transfer any sample (in isolation) to a third party except as incorporated as part of a full music recording/song/beat. We have a no refund policy for digital products/downloads. All purchases are final. By purchasing from JonezTonez.com you acknowledge that you've read and agree to these terms.**